Corporate Social Responsibility

Caring for the Future

Click-For-A-Tree Initiative

Our 2021 click-for-a-tree initiative aims to plant one tree in the Manesar-Nainwal area for each new follower gained on a web 2.0 platform.

Click-For-A-Tree Initiative

Our 2021 click-for-a-tree initiative aims to plant one tree in the Manesar-Nainwal area for each new follower gained on a web 2.0 platform.

Solar Power

Our belief in sustainability goes way beyond our products. We are currently operating on 40% solar power in our factories, with the aim to become 75% solar by 2023. The future will be green, or not at all.

Solar Power

Our belief in sustainability goes way beyond our products. We are currently operating on 40% solar power in our factories, with the aim to become 75% solar by 2023. The future will be green, or not at all.

Gender Equality

We are proud to acknowledge that we are one of the very few Indian organisations that promote gender equality, paying all male and female factory employees the same wages. We believe in harnessing the mixed efforts of all our employees to reach our desired state.

Gender Equality

We are proud to acknowledge that we are one of the very few Indian organisations that promote gender equality, paying all male and female factory employees the same wages. We believe in harnessing the mixed efforts of all our employees to reach our desired state.


The pandemic has caused great inconvenience to all low income wage workers in India. In the month’s of March, April and May – all low income wages were 100% paid, whereas, all contracted workers were paid in advance. To compensate this, top management took pay cuts of upto 35%.


The pandemic has caused great inconvenience to all low income wage workers in India. In the month’s of March, April and May – all low income wages were 100% paid, whereas, all contracted workers were paid in advance. To compensate this, top management took pay cuts of upto 35%.

Green Erect

Deep embedded in us is a desire to give back. iTrack regularly partners up with Green Erect to use biological larvicidal agents to manage small insect populations. This is done in order to help areas susceptible to dengue and other vector borne diseases. We look forward to partnering up with them for years to come.

Green Erect

Deep embedded in us is a desire to give back. iTrack regularly partners up with Green Erect to use biological larvicidal agents to manage small insect populations. This is done in order to help areas susceptible to dengue and other vector borne diseases. We look forward to partnering up with them for years to come.


Deep embedded in us is a desire to give back. iTrack regularly partners up with Green Erect to use biological larvacidal agents to manage small insect populations. This is done in order to help areas susceptible to dengue and other vector borne diseases. We look forward to partnering up with them for years to come.


Deep embedded in us is a desire to give back. iTrack regularly partners up with Green Erect to use biological larvicidal agents to manage small insect populations. This is done in order to help areas susceptible to dengue and other vector borne diseases. We look forward to partnering up with them for years to come.

Let's talk about your pain points.

Let’s talk about your pain points.